SFFG Reflections – Ghazal

My name is Ghazal, and I am from Iran. Perhaps a lot of people think that Iranians live in a
closed society and may not expect them to be interested in spiritual matters. However,
many Iranians are thirsty for knowing the truth about the universe and why we are here in
the first place.

My father was always in search of the meaning of life since he was a young man. He had
read hundreds of books, but still had not received the ultimate answer to his questions. In
2007, a friend gave him the book “Zhuan Falun”, the main teachings of Falun Dafa. After
reading the book, he realized this is what he had been looking for all his life.

In 2011, a few months before my 18th birthday, I started reading Zhuan Falun too. I can say
that starting my journey of cultivation in Falun Dafa was the best thing that could ever
happen to me. The best birthday gift ever!

Through practicing Falun Dafa, I’ve found the meaning of life and a true joyful feeling that
comes from within. This joy and happiness is something that cannot be achieved through
worldly means, but by cultivating according to the universal principles of
Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.

I now understand that everything happens for a reason, so I don’t struggle or fight to
achieve material things or desires in life. I try to follow the course of nature, but still work
hard in everything I do. I try to take the problems I face in life lightly and when met with
difficulties, I try to look within myself to find the solution. This has helped me to be more
relaxed and happy. Falun Dafa has taught me to be considerate of others and always think
about others first, which has led me to be more kind and generous.

Despite all the benefits that Falun Dafa has brought to me and millions of people around the
world, Falun Dafa has been banned in China, its country of origin. Since 1999, the Chinese
Communist Party has been persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. They are being jailed, sent
to forced labor camps, brainwashed, tortured to death, and have become victims of forced
organ harvesting.

Falun Dafa practitioners around the world have been peacefully protesting against this
ongoing persecution and creating awareness about this tragedy. In May 2015, I went to
New York City for a Falun Dafa cultivation experience sharing conference, where I heard
about a project called “Ride to Freedom.” A group of young Falun Dafa practitioners,
ranging in ages from 13 to 25, planned a bicycle trip from Los Angeles to Washington DC to
raise public awareness about the persecution of Falun Dafa in China and call for help in
rescuing the Chinese orphans whose parents have been tortured to death during the
persecution. I decided to join the project.

What touched me the most during the ride was the support we got from American society.
I remember that an assistant to the mayor of an American town cried after we told her
about the persecution. We rode during the daytime and camped outside at night. If it
wasn’t for the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, which encourage
us to be selfless and considerate of others, it would have been really difficult for 20 young
practitioners from different cultural backgrounds to finish the Ride to Freedom.

I hope more people can learn about this genocide and help to stop the persecution of
Falun Dafa as soon as possible. You can help by signing the petition: 

Thank you!


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