My name is Carmina, I am 14 years old, and I am a Falun Dafa practitioner from Argentina.
It has been four years since I began practicing the discipline.
I have always been interested in Eastern culture. Since I was very young, I was drawn to
reading stories of traditional Chinese, Korean and Japanese culture, which made me
develop a great appreciation for these cultures. As I grew older I was able to understand
the importance of values and respect, I also came to understand that virtue and wisdom
should be treasured.

When I was in elementary school, I was often bullied by my classmates, which made me
feel insecure; I was filled with fear and had many social problems. After a year of
psychotherapy, I still could not fully recover.

I learned about this wonderful practice of Falun Dafa from my mother. The first time I did
the meditative exercises I felt a lot of peace and a deep sense of having returned home.
Soon after, my mother invited me to read with her the main book of the discipline:
‘Zhuan Falun’.
After reading it the first time, my heart was moved, and I could only feel a deep sense of

I used to be a very introverted and insecure girl, always walking alone and feeling that no
one could understand me. After practicing Falun Dafa I experienced many positive changes
in my life, I never felt lonely again, and I strive every day to assimilate myself to the
principles of ‘Zhen, Shan, Ren’ (Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance).
To me, cultivation in Falun Dafa means being able to give up everything for the well-being
and salvation of others.

I feel immensely grateful to the founder of the practice, Master Li Hongzhi, for sharing
Falun Dafa with us.
I also feel very fortunate for the spiritual freedom one can enjoy in this part of the world, in
contrast to fellow practitioners in China who have faced brutal persecution since 1999.

It has been 22 years and to this day practitioners are still being illegally detained, tortured,
and forced to renounce their beliefs.
The slanders spread by the Chinese Communist Party about Falun Dafa are not true and
practitioners should not be persecuted in this way, as they follow the principles of
Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance to become good people.
I hope this cruel persecution will end soon!
Finally, I would like to say to all of you, “Falun Dafa is good!”

Thank you for reading my story, and I would appreciate it if you could share this information!