At The Ohio State University, Falun Dafa Club is an active student organization on campus that hosts a variety of fun and inclusive events throughout the year for all to join.

The club meditates together every Sunday morning, performing 1 hour of Falun Dafa meditation exercises as a group. Then, the club reads Zhuan Falun (“Turning the Law Wheel”) for 30 minutes, and has a 30 minute discussion to catch up with each other and share experiences.

Each year, Falun Dafa Club also participates in the the OSU Homecoming parade as well as the activities fair to showcase Falun Dafa on campus and recruit more members. At the booth, members distribute informational fliers on Falun Dafa as well as small lotus flowers to passersby.

The club is also a tight-knit group of friends who spend time together and celebrate birthdays and holidays with each other throughout the year. Check out some photos below of their club activities!

Visit their Facebook page for more! Falun Dafa Group at OSU