On November 7, 2019, the Falun Gong Club at University of Texas Arlington hosted a screening of the documentary film “Letter from Masanjia” in the Lone Star Auditorium. “Letter from Masanjia” is an award-winning 2018 film profiling Sun Yi, a Chinese political prisoner who exposed ongoing human rights abuses at Masanjia Labor Camp when his a letter he wrote was found by Oregon resident Julie Keith in a box of Halloween decorations.

Many UTA students were intrigued by the fliers posted around campus and attended the film screening.

In the documentary, Sun Yi is a Falun Gong practitioner who is jailed for his faith as part of China’s “Reeducation through Labor” program. Sun’s story touched many of the audience members to tears, and everyone signed a petition calling for the end to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
The film screening was followed by a discussion panel, which included UTA Anthropology professor Joci Ryan. “Letter from Masanjia” director Leon Lee also joined via video call to answer audience member questions.

Check out the club’s Facebook page for more pictures and for information on more great events! Falun Gong Club at UTA